Residential HVAC Installation
We design and install new and replacement HVAC Systems.
BOYER HEATING AND COOLING your local hvac contractor is proud to offer the Lennox brand of equipment. Lennox Industries has been an innovative leader in providing quality heating and air conditioning products for over a century. Lennox has rated BOYER HEATING AND COOLING as a Premier Dealer, which is Lennox’s highest dealer rating, assuring you of top quality installations and the best value in home comfort systems.
BOYER HEATING AND COOLING provides solutions to maximize energy efficiency, safety and comfort for existing homes. If your system is in constant need of HVAC repair now is the time to have a new system installed.
- Forced air heating and cooling
- Ventilation and energy recovery
- Air cleaning and humidity control

How Boyer Heating and Cooling can help you!
Forced Air Heating and Cooling
Boyer Heating and Cooling features the sales, installation, and service of the Lennox lineup of heating and cooling products for your existing home, remodeling project, or new home construction.
Boyer Heating and Cooling features the sales, installation, and service of the Lennox lineup of heating and cooling products for your existing home, remodeling project, or new home construction. When you choose Boyer Heating and Cooling and Lennox as your Flagstaff HVAC contractor and supplier, you are choosing professionals committed to total customer satisfaction.
A Boyer Heating and Cooling representative will be your “guide” through your project assisting you in making the proper product choices for your needs, providing the necessary planning and coordination to make your project go smoothly from start to finish.
Once your project is complete, you will have the option of electing to enroll in one of Boyer Heating and Cooling’s Plan Service Agreements for your equipment. These plans make it easy to maintain and keep your new equipment operating efficiently and trouble free for many years to come.
iComfort Wi-Fi Thermostat
The iComfort Wi-Fi® thermostat lets you set your home’s temperature and save energy from anywhere in the world, using a smartphone, tablet or laptop.
The iComfort Wi-Fi® thermostat lets you set your home’s temperature and save energy from anywhere in the world, using a smartphone, tablet or laptop. Remote access, along with live weather forecast and automatic updates, offers a level of convenience that goes degrees beyond what’s possible with a standard thermostat.
Let Boyer Heating and Cooling install this latest in technology to provide you the most in energy savings, features, and remote access.
Mini Splits
When traditional ducts don’t make sense, Lennox ductless systems do. Lennox ductless MPA heats pumps are ideal for spaces like add-on rooms where installing or extending ductwork just isn’t practical but you still need air conditioning.
Heating & Cooling All In One Unit
When traditional ducts don’t make sense, Lennox ductless systems do. Lennox ductless MPA heats pumps are ideal for spaces like add-on rooms where installing or extending ductwork just isn’t practical. Maybe you have a sunroom that’s just a little too warm in the summer and too cool in the winter, or a room addition that isn’t connected to your ductwork. Now, thanks to Lennox, any room can be comfortable any time of the year without a complicated installation.
During warmer months, the ductless MPA heat pump works as a normal air conditioner. It extracts heat from inside the home and transfers it to the outdoor air. In colder weather, however, the process reverses. The unit collects heat from the outdoor air and transfers it inside your home, providing a much safer and more efficient solution than the traditional window-unit-and-space-heater combination.
Comfort control the way you want
Ductless systems make it easier than ever to stay in your ideal comfort zone. Depending on the system you choose, a wall mounted thermostat or wireless remote control is available. Both measure the air temperature in the room and automatically signal the system to adjust heating or cooling.
More secure and convenient than any window unit
Designed for easy installation, a Lennox ductless system uses a compact indoor and outdoor unit connected through a small hole in your wall.
Quiet performance is especially comforting
Lennox ductless systems are designed to be as quiet as they are effective. Considering a whisper is 20 decibels and light rainfall is 30 dB, Lennox ductless systems, with indoor sound levels as low as 29 dB and outdoor levels as low as 51 dB, are hardly even noticeable.
More secure and convenient than any window unit
Designed for easy installation, a Lennox ductless system uses a compact indoor and outdoor unit connected through a small hole in your wall. This not only helps keep the home secure, but it also allows the system to quickly move heat out of your home while using energy wisely. Also, because of the lack of ductwork, the system circulates cleaner air throughout your home, giving you peace of mind.
Energy Star Partner
Energy Star is a U.S. government sponsored program that helps homeowners save energy and protect the environment by giving you the information you need to make choices about efficiency.
Energy Star is a U.S. government sponsored program that helps homeowners save energy and protect the environment by giving you the information you need to make choices about efficiency. Many of the Lennox products have earned and proudly display the Energy Star label.
An Energy Star product can deliver significant savings over conventional models. An Energy Star furnace can reduce your heating costs by as much as 40% and an Energy Star air conditioner can save you up to 60% on you’re cooling bills.
Energy Star products make sense not only from a savings standpoint, but also environmentally too. If one in ten thousand households installed Energy Star heating and cooling products, the change would keep more than 17 billion pounds of pollution out of the air.
Indoor Air Quality
These products control and enhance indoor air quality for an improved, cleaner and more comfortable home environment.
The Lennox Healthy Climate Solutions collection includes indoor air quality systems for every need, from industry exclusive air purification to high efficiency filtration systems designed to work with your central heating and cooling systems. These products control and enhance indoor air quality for an improved, cleaner and more comfortable home environment.
As one of the leading Flagstaff HVAC contractors we understand the problems with dust, pollen, and allergies in Flagstaff and want to make sure your family has the best protection.
PureAir Air Purification System
- MERV 16, 4” pleated filter
- Attacks all 3 classes of indoor air contaminants
- Removes over 95% of particles down to .3 microns
- Removes over 90% of bioaerosols down to .01 microns
Healthy Climate 16 Media Air Cleaner
- MERV 16 Precision Pleat media filter
- Removes over 95% of particles down to .3 microns
- Removes over 90% of bioaerosols and microorganisms down to .01 microns
Healthy Climate Pleated Media Air Cleaner
- MERV 10 media filter
- Removes circulated dust and particles as small as 1 micron
- Removes bioaerosols as small as 1 micron